Tuesday, April 21, 2015

And away we go!

Two years ago, I started a blog. And that's all I did - start it. I had one post. I agonized over it, and it's still pretty funny, but I never told anyone, and I never went back.

Hard to believe for a bag of hot air like me!

This is my new blog. The title is not negative, or an indicator that this will be just about politics.  For me, "what's left out there" symbolizes my journey.  There is plenty "left out there".  A vast array of experiences, trips, moments, opinions....some of which I will share.  I hope to explore people, places and things.  I hope to flesh out my points of view on matters of the heart, lungs, faith, relationships, nature and politics. I hope to hone my craft. I hope to entertain and inspire. I hope to make you disagree, and agree. I hope you will laugh with me. Perhaps most of all, I hope to make you think.